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CLAIR PARIS a été créé en octobre 1990 pour représenter les collectivités locales japonaises en France.

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Tokyo Metropolitan Government compiled the English Guidebook ‘Guidance to the Asset Management Industry in Japan’

In order to realize Asia’s number one global financial city Tokyo, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is working with the national government, private sector, etc. to revitalize Tokyo’s financial sector.

As a part of this effort, with the cooperation of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the TMG compiled the English Guidebook titled ‘Guidance to the Asset Management Industry in Japan’.

The guidebook gives easy-to-understand explanations of Japanese financial laws and regulations, how to apply for registration as a financial instruments business operator.

1 Aim of the Guidebook

  The TMG compiled the guidebook in order to support the foreign asset managers to successfully enter Japan’s market.

2 Table of Contents

 (1) Overview of the Japanese Asset Management Industry

   -  Explains asset holders in Japan, industry trends, entry strategies, critical success factors in Japan, etc.

(2) Methods of Japan Market Entry, and Business Registration

    -  Explains the required business registrations in Japan for each business type (Investment Management Business, Type II Financial Instruments Business, Investment Advisory Business, etc.), using the flow chart etc.

(3) Main Requirements, Organized by Business Type

    -  Explains the requirements (such as legal form, requirement for domestic office, capital requirements, personal requirements, business management structure, etc.) for each business type (Investment Management Business, Type II Financial Instruments Business, Investment Advisory Business, etc.)

    -  Regarding difficult-to-understand requirements for foreign corporations, such as personal requirements, outsourcing, etc., shows the specific cases for explanation.

(4) Process Up to Commencement of Operations

    - Gives detailed explanations about initial consultation, submission of application forms, review, registration, association membership, process up to the commencement of operations, time line and required application form.

    -  Provides information about ‘ Financial One Stop Support Service ’and other support by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


For details, kindly refer to the following website;
